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An Atheist Who Prays: {paradoxical poetry}

An Atheist Who Prays: {paradoxical poetry}

ISBN: 9780595304585
  • Author: Chappell, Frank
  • Condition: New
Regular price $14.67 USD
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Abstract poetry for those sound in mind, disbelief, and unhindered inquiry.

The monotony of daily existence, appreciation of natural beauty, religion versus self, nostalgia for the past, paradox, satire, the repression of human nature, facing death, and the search for some form of chaotic reason within the black and white of worldly madness: all present in the poetry herein.

Metaphor beats upon metaphor, uniting to form a whole, and one must search through words to find the answers to the riddles that aren't quite riddles, that only present themselves and don't require answers, simply the silent reflection of confusion, subconscious understanding, and pleasant wonder.

Within the crumbling walls of these covers lies the rambling sentiments of youth, the question of adolescence, the confusion of adulthood, and the tragedy of old age.

Truth is paradox, experience: disheartening.

Pondering humanity and poetry can lead to final redemption.

Beauty lies in the establishment of identity, the realization of meaninglessness, the effort to provide meaning, and the acknowledgement of natural aesthetics.

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