Mi primer atlas de animales (Children's Illustrated Animal Atlas) (Children's Illustrated Atlas) (Spanish Edition)
Mi primer atlas de animales (Children's Illustrated Animal Atlas) (Children's Illustrated Atlas) (Spanish Edition)
- Author: DK
- Condition: LikeNew
Regular price
$18.28 USD
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$18.28 USD
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�D�nde viven las jirafas? �En qu� pa�ses hay tigres? �Los osos son de clima c�lido o fr�o? Este libro para ni�os de 6 a 8 a�os re�ne informaci�n sobre las caracter�sticas y los lugares que habitan los animales de todo el mundo, desde los osos polares del helado �rtico o los em�es de Australia hasta los tucanes de la selva amaz�nica y los guepardos de los desiertos africanos. A trav�s de datos divertidos y cifras sorprendentes, los peque�os podr�n aprender de manera f�cil y amena d�nde viven los animales, en qu� h�bitats se desarrollan y cu�l es el clima en cada uno de ellos. En su interior, encontrar�s:
Cada p�gina est� repleta de informaci�n de un gran variedad de h�bitats, desde altas monta�as y �ridos desiertos hasta praderas salvajes y selvas tropicales. Adem�s, este libro educativo incluye un mapa desplegable a todo color que muestra cada rinc�n del mundo. �Lleva el reino animal a la pared de tu cuarto y vive una emocionante aventura con los animales del planeta! Bring the amazing animal kingdom right into your home! Packed with fun facts about animals and more than 40 full-color maps that detail the countries where they live. This fabulous educational book for kids zooms-in on countries and continents to show key animal habitats and locations around the world. A thrilling animal adventure around the globe, perfect for kids ages 6-8. Each colorful map in this children's book is bursting with animal facts, combining illustrations with gorgeous photographs that highlight each continent's most iconic animals. From the tallest mountains and desolate deserts to wild grasslands and tropical rain forests; it covers key habitats and locations for each country. Packed with tons of fun facts and figures, the Children's Illustrated Animal Atlas explains where these hidden habitats are found and what the local climate is like. Find descriptions and illustrations of the plants and animals that live in them, making the information easy for kids to comprehend.
- Un mont�n de datos divertidos sobre m�s de 600 animales de todo el mundo y m�s de 40 mapas a todo color que te indican en qu� pa�ses se encuentran.
- Fotograf�as de calidad de las plantas y los animales m�s representativos de cada continente.
- Un manual de los contenidos del libro que explica c�mo abordarlos.
- Juegos que pondr�n a prueba lo que aprendieron y un glosario de t�rminos.
Cada p�gina est� repleta de informaci�n de un gran variedad de h�bitats, desde altas monta�as y �ridos desiertos hasta praderas salvajes y selvas tropicales. Adem�s, este libro educativo incluye un mapa desplegable a todo color que muestra cada rinc�n del mundo. �Lleva el reino animal a la pared de tu cuarto y vive una emocionante aventura con los animales del planeta! Bring the amazing animal kingdom right into your home! Packed with fun facts about animals and more than 40 full-color maps that detail the countries where they live. This fabulous educational book for kids zooms-in on countries and continents to show key animal habitats and locations around the world. A thrilling animal adventure around the globe, perfect for kids ages 6-8. Each colorful map in this children's book is bursting with animal facts, combining illustrations with gorgeous photographs that highlight each continent's most iconic animals. From the tallest mountains and desolate deserts to wild grasslands and tropical rain forests; it covers key habitats and locations for each country. Packed with tons of fun facts and figures, the Children's Illustrated Animal Atlas explains where these hidden habitats are found and what the local climate is like. Find descriptions and illustrations of the plants and animals that live in them, making the information easy for kids to comprehend.