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Poesia completa / Complete Poetry (Spanish Edition)

Poesia completa / Complete Poetry (Spanish Edition)

ISBN: 9780307743503
  • Author: Borges
  • Condition: VeryGood
Regular price $22.78 USD
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La obra po�tica completa del maestro argentino en un solo volumen

Adem�s de extraordinario narrador y ensayista, Jorge Luis Borges fue un excelente poeta. De hecho, puede decirse que la poes�a es el alma de su obra. Indisociable de sus cuentos y ensayos, estos poemas son parte indispensable del universo borgiano y constituyen una indagaci�n paralela a los asuntos que siempre le apasionaron: los libros, la memoria, los laberintos, los espejos, el amor o la eternidad. De los poemas que integran esta fant�stica colecci�n cabe destacar "El mar", "Arte po�tica", "El laberinto", "L�mites" y su primer libro de poes�a Fervor de Buenos Aires, entre otros muchos. Due�o de un fino o�do y una impresionante capacidad para crear im�genes memorables, Borges revive en sus grandes poemas la intensidad que recorre la gran tradici�n occidental desde Homero hasta Eliot. En palabras del propio Borges: "Ajedrez misterioso la poes�a, cuyo tablero y cuyas piezas cambian como en un sue�o y sobre el cual me inclinar� despu�s de haber muerto".

"La deuda que tenemos contra�da con �l quienes escribimos en espa�ol es enorme". --Mario Vargas Llosa

The complete poetic work of the Argentine master gathered in one single volume.

Besides being an extraordinary storyteller and essayist, Jorge Luis Borges was an excellent poet. In fact, it can be said that poetry is the soul of his work. Together with his stories and essays, these poems are an crucial part of the Borgesian universe and make up a parallel inquiry to the issues that always fascinated him: books, memory, labyrinths, mirrors, love, or eternity.
Among the poems that make up this fantastic collection include "The Sea", "The Art of Poetry", "The Labyrinth", "Limits" and his first book of poetry Fervor of Buenos Aires, among many others. Having had a fine ear and an impressive capacity to create memorable images, Borges relives in his great poems the intensity that runs through the great Western traditions, from Homer to Eliot. In Borges' own words: "Poetry is a mysterious chess game, whose board and whose pieces change as if in a dream and on which I will lean after I die."
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