Poesia completa / Complete Poetry (Spanish Edition)
Poesia completa / Complete Poetry (Spanish Edition)
- Author: Garc�a Lorca
- Condition: New
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$20.88 USD
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La obra po�tica completa de uno de los escritores m�s influyentes de la literatura espa�ola.
La figura de Federico Garc�a Lorca abarca, tanto en Espa�a como en el exterior, mucho m�s que su literatura. Su poes�a, traducida a infinidad de lenguas, recorre paisajes, hurga en tradiciones y denuncia injusticias con la maestr�a de un escritor que utiliz� la pluma como pocos, y sus libros contin�an ley�ndose sin atender al paso del tiempo ni a las arbitrariedades de la moda. En esta deslumbrante colecci�n, el lector podr� recorrer el tramo completo de su obra po�tica: empezando con el joven Lorca en Libro de poemas, Canciones y Juego y teor�a del duende, pasando por cl�sicos lorquianos como Romancero gitano, Poema del cante jondo, el impresionante poemario Poeta en Nueva York, as� como Tierra y luna, Sonetos y Llanto por Ignacio S�nchez Mej�as, entre muchos otros. La edici�n y los pr�logos otorgan al lector las herramientas necesarias para comprender y contextualizar al personaje, para acercarse a la complejidad de su obra y para disfrutar, en un s�lo volumen, de uno de los autores espa�oles m�s relevantes del siglo XX.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The complete poetic work of one of the most influential writers in Spanish literature. The figure of Federico Garc�a Lorca encompasses, both in Spain and abroad, much more than his literature. His poetry, translated into countless languages, travels through landscapes, delves into traditions and denounces injustices with the skill of a writer who used the pen like few others, and his books continue to be read by multiple generations. In this dazzling collection, the reader will be able to go through the entire stretch of his poetic work: starting with the young Lorca in Book of Poems, Songs and Theory and Play of the Duende, passing through Lorca classics such as Gypsy Ballads, Poem of the Deep Song, the impressive poem Poet in New York, as well as Lament for Ignacio S�nchez Mej�as, among many others. This edition and its prologues give the reader the necessary tools to understand and contextualize the author, to get closer to the complexity of his work and to enjoy, in a single volume, one of the most relevant Spanish authors of the 20th century.
La figura de Federico Garc�a Lorca abarca, tanto en Espa�a como en el exterior, mucho m�s que su literatura. Su poes�a, traducida a infinidad de lenguas, recorre paisajes, hurga en tradiciones y denuncia injusticias con la maestr�a de un escritor que utiliz� la pluma como pocos, y sus libros contin�an ley�ndose sin atender al paso del tiempo ni a las arbitrariedades de la moda. En esta deslumbrante colecci�n, el lector podr� recorrer el tramo completo de su obra po�tica: empezando con el joven Lorca en Libro de poemas, Canciones y Juego y teor�a del duende, pasando por cl�sicos lorquianos como Romancero gitano, Poema del cante jondo, el impresionante poemario Poeta en Nueva York, as� como Tierra y luna, Sonetos y Llanto por Ignacio S�nchez Mej�as, entre muchos otros. La edici�n y los pr�logos otorgan al lector las herramientas necesarias para comprender y contextualizar al personaje, para acercarse a la complejidad de su obra y para disfrutar, en un s�lo volumen, de uno de los autores espa�oles m�s relevantes del siglo XX.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The complete poetic work of one of the most influential writers in Spanish literature. The figure of Federico Garc�a Lorca encompasses, both in Spain and abroad, much more than his literature. His poetry, translated into countless languages, travels through landscapes, delves into traditions and denounces injustices with the skill of a writer who used the pen like few others, and his books continue to be read by multiple generations. In this dazzling collection, the reader will be able to go through the entire stretch of his poetic work: starting with the young Lorca in Book of Poems, Songs and Theory and Play of the Duende, passing through Lorca classics such as Gypsy Ballads, Poem of the Deep Song, the impressive poem Poet in New York, as well as Lament for Ignacio S�nchez Mej�as, among many others. This edition and its prologues give the reader the necessary tools to understand and contextualize the author, to get closer to the complexity of his work and to enjoy, in a single volume, one of the most relevant Spanish authors of the 20th century.