Roberto Bolao: Poesa reunida / Collected Poetry (Spanish Edition)

Roberto Bolao: Poesa reunida / Collected Poetry (Spanish Edition)

ISBN: 9781984898043
  • Author: Bola�o
  • Condition: LikeNew
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"Escribiendo poes�a en el pa�s de los imb�ciles. / Escribiendo con mi hijo en las rodillas. / Escribiendo hasta que cae la noche / con un estruendo de los mil demonios. / Los demonios que han de llevarme al infierno, / pero escribiendo."

Bola�o se sinti� siempre, en esencia, un poeta, pese a que el reconocimiento le lleg� por su narrativa. Este volumen recoge, adem�s de los publicados en La Universidad Desconocida, Los perros rom�nticos y Tres, los poemas que aparecieron en revistas, plaquettes y vol�menes colectivos en sus comienzos literarios y que desde entonces han permanecido inencontrables.
En todos ellos ahonda en los temas fundamentales de su obra: el amor, la muerte, el exilio, la literatura... La econom�a expresiva, la audacia formal y tem�tica, el vanguardismo y la tensi�n po�tica convierten a Bola�o en uno de los exponentes m�s singulares de la poes�a contempor�nea en espa�ol.

"Vio en la poes�a una forma de rebeld�a y una intriga existencial que engrandec�a la vida. Es curioso, porque sin esa apelaci�n a la poes�a no se puede entender el conjunto de su obra. Hay poes�a escondida en sus novelas y hay novelas interrumpidas en su poes�a. Porque todo son palabras. Como todo son palabras, Bola�o busc� aquellas que m�s dol�an o m�s dec�an, o m�s escond�an, o m�s cercanas estaban de lo que vivi�".


"Writing poetry in a country of idiots. / Writing with my son on my lap. / Writing until night falls / with a roar of a thousand demons. / The demons who are to take me to hell, / but writing none the less. "

Despite all the recognition that he received for his narrative work, in essence, Bola�o always saw himself as a poet. In addition to those poems published in La Universidad Desconocida / The Unknown University, Los perros romanticos / The Romantic Dogs, and Tres/ Three, this volume also collects his poems published in magazines and collections and have since remained hard to find collectables. In all of them he explores the recurring fundamental themes in his works: love, death, exile, literature ... All of these, and his poetic drive, make Bola�o a unique exponent of contemporary poetry in Spanish.

"He saw in poetry a form of rebellion and an existential intrigue that magnified life. It's interesting that without that appeal to poetry the whole of his work would not be understood. There is hidden poetry in his novels and there are interrupted novels in his poetry. Because everything is words. As they are all words, Bola�o looked for those words that hurt the most or said the most, or hid the most, or were closest to what he was living".
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