The Poeming Pigeon: Poems from the Garden: A Literary Journal of Poetry
The Poeming Pigeon: Poems from the Garden: A Literary Journal of Poetry
- Author:
- Condition: VeryGood
For our 5th issue of The Poeming Pigeon, Homer takes us back to our roots - literally and literarily. Enjoy this collection of over 80 poems that celebrates dirt under our fingernails, sharing zucchini with our neighbors, seed catalog dreams, and this labor-of-love we call gardening.
Contributing Poets Around the Globe Include:
Pamela Ahlen - Heather Angier - Diane Averill - Dianne Avey - Michael Baldwin - Irene Bloom - Katy Brown - Lanette Cadle - Cathy Cain - Margaret Chula - Brittney Corrigan - Linda M. Crate - Neil Creighton - Gareth Culshaw - C. Hunter Davis - John Davis - Robert Eastwood - Johanna Ely - Matt Farr - Linda Ferguson - Brad G. Garber - Suzy Harris - Ruth Hill - Ann Howells - Georgette Howington - Marilyn Johnston - Tim Kahl - Kelila A Knight - Tricia Knoll - Laurie Kolp - Jennifer Lagier - Eric le Fatte - Shari Jo LeKane-Yentumi - Annie Lighthart - Stephen Linsteadt - Rosemary Douglas Lombard - Alwyn Marriage - Carolyn Martin - Catherine McGuire - Carter McKenzie - Barbara A. Meier - Karla Linn Merrifield - Amy Miller - Kay Morgan - Liz Nakazawa - Claudine Nash - Emily Pittman Newberry - Terri Niccum - James B. Nicola - W.P. Osborn - Pattie Palmer-Baker - Rachelle M. Parker - Laurinda Lind - Kenneth Pobo - Janet M Powers - Cindy Rinne - Jeannie E. Roberts - Susan Rogers - Scott A. Russell - Ada Jill Schneider - Larry Schug - Suzanne Sigafoos - Judith Skillman - Alec Solomita - Elizabeth Stoessl - Beth Suter - G. Murray Thomas - Allison Thorpe - Brigit Truex - Cheryl A. Van Beek - Phyllis Wax - Lillo Way - Viola Weinberg - Sherry Wellborn - Kate Wells - Susan Whitney - Daniel Williams - Steve Williams - Sara Wilson - M. Wright - Paul Yager - Stan Zumbiel